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Mangere Bridge Village Business Association

MBVBA is a registered incorporated society governed by an elected executive committee representing its members. The Mangere Bridge Business Association Incorporated supports and assists over 45 small businesses and commercial property owners daily, ensuring a positive experience for both visitors and business owners in the village.

As a small but highly active Business Association, we work collaboratively with business owners and landlords to ensure the ongoing success of our vibrant, friendly, and welcoming village. We are dedicated to making the village a clean, safe, and attractive place to visit, encouraging both visitors and the community to return and support our local area repeatedly.


The MBVBA offers a comprehensive array of services for its members, including:

  • Advocacy on behalf of members through liaison and engagement with Auckland Council, our Local Board, and other authorities

  • Promotion of member businesses via our online directory

  • Enhanced safety and security through an extensive CCTV network

  • Improvement of the Mangere Bridge business environment

  • Promotion of innovation and economic prosperity in Mangere Bridge by attracting new businesses and customers

  • Promotion of Mangere Bridge as a prime business and shopping destination through events, marketing, and advertising campaigns

What is a BID Programme?

BIDs are business areas within Auckland where local business and property owners have agreed to work together to provide value to the collective business community by delivering a suite of economic activities.


The Mangere Bridge Village BID is made up of more than 45 permanent members who are either landlords or business owners within our boundaries of the village centre plus a smaller number of Associate Members.

Auckland Council supports Business Associations operating BID programmes as set out in the BID policy 2022.


All BIDs are separate entities that set a targeted rate at their Annual General Meeting and this is collected by Auckland Council in return for meeting their BID Policy requirements

How to become a member?

Membership: If your business resides in a commercial property within the existing Business Improvement District (BID) then you qualify as a member. 

This page outlines our current BID area.

Associate Membership: If your business is based in Mangere Bridge, but outside the existing BID boundary, working from home or from a non-commercial property, then you can become an Associate Member of the Mangere Bridge Village Business Association. 

For more information, contact Kate, Village Manager.

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